
Mac OS X y Win XP en un solo ordenador

Como muchos de vosotros sabréis, Mac a partir de ahora será Intel inside. Eso va a ser un gran cambio para todos los Maceros, pero seguramente también para los windowseros, linuxeros etc… ya que WIN, linux, MAc, todos podrán correr sobre la misma máquina. Al hilo de esto, blogeando por ahí, he encontrado una web en la que dan una recompensa al primero que consiga un dual boot de Mac OS X y Win XP, osea que consiga que en una misma máquina arranquen Mac OS X y Win XP.
Cuando escribo este POST, la recompensa es de 7861$ y subiendo (se pueden hacer donaciones).
Las reglas son las siguientes:

The Rules
1. Instructions must boot Windows XP (at least), not Vista or any other version of Windows.
2. Windows must be able to coexist with Mac OS X and each system may not interfere with the operation of the other (basically a traditional dual boot system where one OS is running at a time)
3. Your method, upon starting the computer, must offer the user to boot either OS X or Windows XP (hint: GRUB)
4. The first person to email complete instructions, including pictures of the boot process to contest@pintmaster.com will be the winner. Instructions will be peer reviewed once they are received and once the solution is guaranteed working, the prize money will be transferred via paypal
5. You give this website the rights to post your solution
6. If it is determined impossible to boot Windows on the Mac by March 23, 2006, all donations will be donated to a charitable cause (please send suggestions to charity@pintmaster.com). If you donated prior to 2006/01/23 2:10pm CST, and you do not wish to donate to charity, I will return your money minus the paypal fee
7. You cannot use virtualization software such as Xen or VMWare






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